Training bag

The Guiding Leader (Coach)

5 days

The Guiding Leader (Coach)

The bag includes the following files :

  1. Power Point presentation slides
  2. Word Instructor's Manual
  3. Trainee Note ( Word )
  4. Word worksheets
  5. Introductory guide to the Word bag
  6. Pre-test and post-test Word
  7. Word training course
  8. evaluation form

All files are open and editable

Overall goal:

To develop proficient coaching leaders who can effectively guide and inspire employees, enhance personal and organizational development, and navigate challenges with strategic solutions.

  • 1.Understand the Concept and History of Coaching

  • 2.Learn Roles and Responsibilities of a Coaching Leader

  • 3.Recognize the Importance of Coaching in Personal and Organizational Development

  • 4.Differentiate Coaching Leadership from Other Practices

  • 5.Conduct Effective Coaching Sessions

  • 6.Use Models and Frameworks to Identify Goals and Solve Problems

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The Guiding Leader (Coach)


  • Table of Activities
  • Trainer Guidelines
  • Program Guide
  • Techniques and Tools Used

First Training Day

First Training Session: Understanding Coaching and the Concept of a Coaching Leader

  • Introduction
  • Pre-Test
  • Historical Development of Coaching
  • Concept of a Coaching Leader
  • Elements of the Coaching Leadership Process
  • Trainer Evaluation Model for Trainee Performance

Second Training Session: Roles and Responsibilities of a Coaching Leader

  • Roles of the Coaching Leader
  • Responsibilities of the Coaching Leader Towards Employees
  • Importance of Distinguishing Between Professional and Personal Relationships
  • Trainer Evaluation Model for Trainee Performance
  • First Training Day Workshop
  • First Training Day Survey

Second Training Day

First Training Session: Importance of a Coaching Leader in Personal and Organizational Development

  • Importance of the Coaching Leader in Personal and Professional Life
  • Importance of Coaching in Organizational Development
  • Reasons Why Organizations Hesitate to Utilize Coaching Services
  • Trainer Evaluation Model for Trainee Performance

Second Training Session: Differences Between Coaching Leadership and Other Practices

  • Difference Between a Coaching Leader and a Manager
  • Difference Between Coaching Leadership and Training
  • Difference Between Coaching Leadership and Psychotherapy
  • Trainer Evaluation Model for Trainee Performance
  • Second Training Day Workshop
  • Second Training Day Survey

Third Training Day

First Training Session: Abilities and Traits of a Successful Coaching Leader and Challenges Faced

  • Abilities of a Successful Coaching Leader
  • Traits and Characteristics of a Successful Coaching Leader
  • Challenges Faced in Coaching and How to Overcome Them
  • Trainer Evaluation Model for Trainee Performance

Second Training Session: Skills of a Successful Coaching Leader

  • Emotional Management Skills of a Coaching Leader
  • Ability to Avoid Stress, Psychological Pressure, and Reactivity
  • Effects of Increased Stress, How to Alleviate It, and the Role of the Organization
  • Effective Problem-Solving Skills of a Coaching Leader
  • Trainer Evaluation Model for Trainee Performance
  • Third Training Day Workshop
  • Evaluation Test
  • Third Training Day Survey

Fourth Training Day

First Training Session: Principles of Coaching - Helping Employees with Self-Awareness, Evaluation, and Confidence

  • Helping Employees with Self-Awareness
  • Helping Employees with Self-Evaluation and Acceptance
  • Helping Employees Build Self-Confidence
  • Trainer Evaluation Model for Trainee Performance

Second Training Session: Principles of Coaching - Empowering Employees and Achieving Balance Through Guidance and Counseling

  • Empowering and Self-Motivation
  • Achieving Balance
  • Effective Communication Through Guidance and Counseling
  • Trainer Evaluation Model for Trainee Performance
  • Fourth Training Day Workshop
  • Fourth Training Day Survey

Fifth Training Day

First Training Session: Coaching Sessions and Their Schools

  • Using Coaching Sessions with Employees
  • Stages of Coaching Sessions and When Employees Need Them
  • Schools of Coaching and Applying the Principle of Acceptance
  • Trainer Evaluation Model for Trainee Performance

Second Training Session: Models to Help the Coaching Leader Identify Goals and Causes of Employee Issues

  • SWOT and TOTE Models for Goal Setting
  • SMARTER Goals Model
  • "Five Whys" Model for Identifying Problem Causes
  • Trainer Evaluation Model for Trainee Performance
  • Fifth Training Day Workshop
  • Fifth Training Day Survey
  • Final Test
  • Self-Assessment Survey
  • References
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The Guiding Leader (Coach)

The Guiding Leader (Coach)

Regular price Dhs. 2,500.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 2,500.00
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