Plagiarism check

88 Studies And ConsultationExamine the literary list accurately and comprehensively through the QALAM program used by universities. Determine the percentage of plagiarism and the possibility of solving the plagiarism problem that has been approved in the content.

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88 Studies and Consulting To solve one of the biggest problems of scientific research, 88 Studies Consulting provides a service for examining plagiarism for studies and dissertations in Arabic and English. The scientific material is sent to the team of specialists at Al-88 Studies Consulting, examined, and a report is delivered regarding the percentage of scientific and literary plagiarism in the scientific material. Work is required to detect plagiarism. Scientific Research has 24 hours from the date of agreement and transfers the cost of the work through electronic payment methods.

Examination and preparation of a final report containing: A list of the sources that were used in writing the study, with a link to each source.

The percentage of plagiarism (literary and scientific theft) in general. Identify the most plagiarized studies and write the percentage of plagiarism from each source. Determine the number of times plagiarism occurred from each source. Color the unaltered copied texts in red with the text attributed to the original source. Color the copied texts with a slight change in blue, while attributing the text to the original source.

Examination and preparation of a final report containing: A list of the sources that were used in writing the study, with a link to each source.

The percentage of plagiarism (literary and scientific theft) in general. Identify the most plagiarized studies and write the percentage of plagiarism from each source. Determine the number of times plagiarism occurred from each source. Color the unaltered copied texts in red with the text attributed to the original source. Color the copied texts with a slight change in blue, while attributing the text to the original source.

Types of Plagiarism:

  1. Direct Plagiarism: Copying and publishing an entire research paper written by another researcher, possibly with minor modifications like the title.
  2. Substantial Plagiarism: Lifting a significant portion of another research paper and incorporating it without any changes.
  3. Patchwork Plagiarism: Assembling and arranging pieces from various sources without rephrasing or citing them.
  4. Creating a semblance of a cohesive work.
  5. Paraphrasing Plagiarism: Modifying key phrases and words from a source but retaining the original structure and meaning.
  6. Mosaic Plagiarism: Combining fragments from different sources and rephrasing them to create a new piece of work without proper citation.
  7. Self Plagiarism: Reusing or repurposing parts of one's own previous research without proper citation.
  8. Salami Slicing Plagiarism: Repeatedly publishing small, incremental portions of a larger research work without acknowledging the overall project.
  9. Citation Plagiarism: Failing to provide complete and accurate citation information, such as omitting the source's title, publication year, or author details.
  10. Fabrication Plagiarism: Inventing or falsifying data, sources, or methodologies to support one's research.
  11. Quotation Plagiarism: Omitting quotation marks or failing to properly indicate borrowed text, making it appear as original work.
  12. Aggregation Plagiarism: Compiling and summarizing information from multiple sources without proper citation or analysis.
  13. Selective Citation Plagiarism: Citing only specific portions of a source while omitting others that contradict or undermine one's arguments.

Combating Plagiarism: A Comprehensive Solution

88 Studies and Consulting Combating Plagiarism: A Comprehensive Solution Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can jeopardize a student's or researcher's reputation and even lead to disciplinary action. To ensure the originality and integrity of your research, consider utilizing our professional paraphrasing services.Our Paraphrasing Services:Expert Paraphrasing: Our team of highly skilled paraphrasing specialists possesses extensive knowledge and expertise in rephrasing academic content without altering its original meaning.Professional Approach: We adhere to the highest standards of professionalism in our paraphrasing endeavors, ensuring that the rephrased text maintains the same level of rigor and clarity as the original work.Error-Free Content: We meticulously review and refine the rephrased text to eliminate any grammatical or linguistic errors, ensuring that your research remains polished and free of inconsistencies.Citation Compliance: We strictly adhere to the citation guidelines and requirements of your institution, ensuring that all sources are appropriately referenced and acknowledged.Plagiarism-Free Guarantee: Our comprehensive plagiarism checks guarantee that your rephrased work is original and free from any instances of plagiarism or unauthorized borrowing of ideas.Structured Presentation: We organize and format the rephrased content in a clear and structured manner, enhancing its readability and overall presentation.

Our Paraphrasing Services:

Expert Paraphrasing: Our team of highly skilled paraphrasing specialists possesses extensive knowledge and expertise in rephrasing academic content without altering its original meaning. Professional Approach: We adhere to the highest standards of professionalism in our paraphrasing endeavors, ensuring that the rephrased text maintains the same level of rigor and clarity as the original work.Error-Free Content: We meticulously review and refine the rephrased text to eliminate any grammatical or linguistic errors, ensuring that your research remains polished and free of inconsistencies.Citation Compliance: We strictly adhere to the citation guidelines and requirements of your institution, ensuring that all sources are appropriately referenced and acknowledged.Plagiarism-Free Guarantee: Our comprehensive plagiarism checks guarantee that your rephrased work is original and free from any instances of plagiarism or unauthorized borrowing of ideas.Structured Presentation: We organize and format the rephrased content in a clear and structured manner, enhancing its readability and overall presentation.

Benefits of Our Paraphrasing Services

  1. Enhanced Academic Integrity: Our services safeguard your academic integrity by ensuring that your research is free from plagiarism and adheres to the highest ethical standards.
  2. Improved Research Quality: By rephrasing your work effectively, we enhance the overall quality of your research, making it more compelling and impactful.
  3. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Our services alleviate the stress and anxiety associated with plagiarism concerns, allowing you to focus on the core aspects of your research.
  4. Increased Confidence: Submitting a plagiarism-free research paper instills confidence and allows you to present your work with pride.
  5. Enhanced Reputation: Maintaining academic integrity safeguards your reputation as a researcher and scholar.
  6. Invest in your academic success and protect your reputation by entrusting your paraphrasing needs to our team of experts.

We are committed to delivering high-quality, plagiarism-free content that will elevate your research and ensure your academic success.


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