Training bag

Measuring Customer Satisfaction

5 days

Best Practices for Managing and Analyzing Big Data

The bag includes the following files :

  1. Power Point presentation slides
  2. Word Instructor's Manual
  3. Trainee Note ( Word )
  4. Word worksheets
  5. Introductory guide to the Word bag
  6. Pre-test and post-test Word
  7. Word training course
  8. evaluation form

All files are open and editable

Overall goal:

To equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to accurately measure and enhance customer satisfaction within their organizations. This training aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of customer satisfaction processes, effective handling of diverse customer segments, and the implementation of best practices for continuous improvement in customer service excellence.

  • 1.Understand the Importance and Process of Measuring Customer Satisfaction

  • 2.Develop Skills for Preparing Effective Customer Satisfaction Reports

  • 3.Enhance Customer Handling Skills for Different Segments

  • 4.Implement Effective Survey Methods for Measuring Customer Satisfaction

  • 5.Master Techniques for Identifying and Handling Different Customer Personalities

  • 6.Analyze and Interpret Customer Satisfaction Data

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Measuring Customer Satisfaction


  • Index of Activities
  • Trainer's Guidelines
  • Program Guide
  • Technologies and Tools Used

Training Day One
First Training Session (The Process of Customer Satisfaction and Its Importance for Organizations)

  • Introduction
  • Pre-Evaluation Test
  • Classification of Customers Based on Loyalty to the Organization
  • The Process of Customer Satisfaction and Its Characteristics
  • Importance of Measuring Customer Satisfaction for the Organization
  • Trainer's Model for Assessing Trainee's Performance Level
  • Exercise on the First Session of the First Training Day

Second Training Session (Preparing Reports and Factors for Successful Customer Satisfaction Measurement)

  • How to Prepare Customer Satisfaction Reports
  • Factors for Successful Customer Satisfaction Measurement
  • Challenges Faced in Measuring Customer Satisfaction
  • Trainer's Model for Assessing Trainee's Performance Level
  • Workshop on the First Training Day
  • Survey on the First Training Day

Training Day Two
First Training Session (Skills for Dealing with Different Customer Segments to Achieve Their Satisfaction)

  • Skills for Dealing with Different Customer Segments to Achieve Their Satisfaction
  • Skills for Dealing with Customers with Special Needs
  • Skills for Dealing with Angry Customers
  • Trainer's Model for Assessing Trainee's Performance Level
  • Exercise on the First Session of the Second Training Day

Second Training Session (Skills for Identifying Customer Personalities and Appropriate Handling Methods)

  • How to Identify Customer Personalities and Appropriate Handling Methods
  • Skill of Turning a Negative Experience into a Positive One
  • Skill of Saying "No" to a Customer Without Upsetting Them
  • Trainer's Model for Assessing Trainee's Performance Level
  • Workshop on the Second Training Day
  • Survey on the Second Training Day

Training Day Three
First Training Session (Survey Method for Measuring Customer Satisfaction)

  • Types of Surveys for Measuring Customer Satisfaction
  • Steps for Conducting Surveys to Measure Customer Satisfaction
  • Using Online Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • Trainer's Model for Assessing Trainee's Performance Level
  • Exercise on the First Session of the Third Training Day

Second Training Session (Performance Results and Focus Group Discussions in Measuring Customer Satisfaction)

  • Method of Performance Results in Measuring Customer Satisfaction
  • Method of Focus Group Discussions in Measuring Customer Satisfaction
  • Analyzing Results of Customer Satisfaction Measurements to Link Them with Operational Indicators
  • Trainer's Model for Assessing Trainee's Performance Level
  • Evaluation Test
  • Workshop on the Third Training Day
  • Survey on the Third Training Day

Training Day Four
First Training Session (Managing Customer Experience for the Government of the UAE)

  • Essence of Managing Customer Experience and Behavior
  • Importance of Managing Customer Experience for the UAE Government
  • Best Practices for Achieving Excellence in Customer Experience Management in the UAE
  • Trainer's Model for Assessing Trainee's Performance Level
  • Exercise on the First Session of the Fourth Training Day

Second Training Session (Global Star Rating System for Services in the UAE)

  • Global Star Rating System for Services in the UAE
  • Eight Evaluation Pillars of the Global Star Rating System for Services
  • Characteristics of the Service Evaluation Process in the Global Star Rating System and Criteria for Identifying Priority Services for Improvement
  • Trainer's Model for Assessing Trainee's Performance Level
  • Workshop on the Fourth Training Day
  • Survey on the Fourth Training Day

Training Day Five
First Training Session (Proactive Services and Their Mechanisms)

  • Definition of Proactive Services and Their Transformation Stages
  • Mechanism of Standalone Proactive Services
  • Mechanism of Proactive Service Packages
  • Trainer's Model for Assessing Trainee's Performance Level
  • Exercise on the First Session of the Fifth Training Day

Second Training Session (UAE Strategy for Future Government Services)

  • UAE Government Charter for Future Services
  • Strategic Directions for Future Services in the UAE Government
  • Framework for the UAE Strategy for Future Government Services
  • Trainer's Model for Assessing Trainee's Performance Level
  • Workshop on the Fifth Training Day
  • Survey on the Fifth Training Day
  • Final Evaluation Test
  • Self-Assessment
  • References
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Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Regular price Dhs. 2,500.00
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 2,500.00
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