Providing study tools

We design and provide study tools that are standardized, highly reliable and reliable. They are also suitable for the environment of the research sample and are designed according to the rules and within one week of work.

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88 Studies and Consulting Providing Scientific research tools

are the means through which the researcher collects data from the research sample and aims to answer the study questions. If the scientific research tools are not formulated according to the rules of scientific research, this will lead to the collection of incorrect data and this will cause major problems in the work.

88 Studies and Consulting is keen to provide scientific research tools that are honest and reliable, and experience gives it the ability to design research tools as any scientific researcher wants, as they are effective in measurement, standardized, and appropriate to the study sample, and provide the necessary data to answer the study questions. Scientific research tools will be ready within a period not exceeding one week from the date of transfer of work fees.

88 Studies and Consulting Providing references and previous studies services

We can list resources by post title or provide resources to people as researchers choose from a list of studies for the topic. It also includes the service of all historical reports from the reference list. As services, adding translation of the abstract or summarizing previous studies. Those accepted for a period not exceeding three days from the date of transferring the work fees through electronic payment methods.


What our clients say about us

The service was excellent and helped me submit my university research with high quality and on time. I highly recommend working with them.

Ahmed Al-Qahtani

Collaborating with this team was fantastic. I got the help I needed to complete my school assignments perfectly. Thank you so much!

Sara Al-Hashemi

A professional team with continuous support. They helped me prepare my graduation project efficiently. A remarkable experience and highly recommended

Mohammed Al-Otaibi

I didn't expect the service to be this fast and high-quality. The research was excellent and delivered before the deadline. Thank you!

Layla Al-Falasi

Dealing with them was easy and smooth, and the services they provided exceeded my expectations. I will definitely return to them in the future.

Khalid Al-Mansoori

The service was excellent and helped me submit my university research with high quality and on time. I highly recommend working with them.

Ahmed Al-Qahtani

The service was excellent and helped me submit my university research with high quality and on time. I highly recommend working with them.

Ahmed Al-Qahtani

Professional team and continuous support. They helped me prepare my graduation project very efficiently. A unique experience and I recommend it

Mohammed Al Otaibi

"Dealing with them was easy and smooth, and the services they provided to me were beyond expectations. I will definitely return to them in the future."

Khaled Al Mansoori

Designing questionnaires (manual - electronic) and unpacking them

Our long journey in the field of designing and preparing scientific research tools has created a comprehensive library of various research tools, which has made us able to design achievement tests and build research tools of questionnaires and psychological measures that enjoy validity and reliability within a period not exceeding a week.

Test design

The tests aim to measure the characteristics and trends related to the groups and individuals targeted in the study. Tests are also known for using stimuli and formulating them in the form of pictures and questions in order to collect information from the target group, whether qualitative or quantitative information, in order to benefit the researcher during the conduct of the scientific study.

Note card design

The observation card is designed to monitor behaviors related to a specific phenomenon. It is one of the scientific research tools that is used to obtain data related to some incidents and incidents through monitoring and recording by the researcher. It is considered one of the most accurate scientific research tools and can be recorded and photographed on audio and video tapes.

Design of electronic questionnaires

Electronic questionnaires are one of the methods of collecting data for distributing questionnaires. Electronic questionnaires are characterized by being an easy and quick way to present both information and data to visitors or the targets of the questionnaire, as well as to obtain answers from them in a short period of time

Publishing electronic questionnaires

Publishing electronic questionnaires For researchers who wish to publish their scientific questionnaires, we offer you the service of publishing links to the questionnaires in 88 Studies and Consulting’s research groups, and other general research groups interested in scientific research, graduate studies, and targeted academic specializations.

Transcribing interviews

Transcribing interviews Interviews are considered one of the main data collection tools in scientific research, as they are used in both quantitative and qualitative research. If you use the interview as a tool for your study, 88 studies and consulting provides you with the highest degree of accuracy in the interview transcription service, which is carried out by specialists in the field of article transcription.

Calculating the sample size

Calculating the sample size 88 Studies and Consulting provides, through specialists with extensive experience, the service of calculating the appropriate sample size for the study. The sample size is calculated using the scientific methods used in scientific research to ensure that it accurately represents the study population and thus arrive at results that can be generalized to this population.

Prepare a skills card

Skills cards are considered one of the appropriate tools for obtaining information about individuals. Al-88 Studies and consulting through its specialists, provides the preparation of a skills card based on the nature of the data it seeks to obtain from a sample of individuals.

Modifying study tools based on arbitration After designing the study tools

They are sent for arbitration, which results in many comments about these tools. Therefore, 88 Studies and Consulting provides the service of modifying the study tools based on the arbitration, where all the referees’ comments are implemented with high precision by specialists in the field of study..

  • Standardized study tools

  • Suitable for the environment of the research

  • Sample Within one week of work

  • Research tools with high validity and reliability

  • Designing scientific research tools according to the principles

  • In English and Arabic

88 Studies and Consulting Work guarantees

  1. The work will be delivered within a week of approving the application.
  2. The service is available in Arabic and English.
  3. Tools appropriate to the nature of the study.
  4. Ensuring a high rate of honesty and consistency.
  5. Providing convincing and effective measurement tools.
  6. Adapting the tools to the study sample.