Dissertation Writing Service!

A dissertation is an academic milestone for every student. You try to do your best, put all your knowledge and experience in those pages, and spend so much time researching, looking for the most reliable sources, and checking every book known to man.

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Do You Need Help With Dissertation? Apply to Our Dissertation Writing Service!

But even the best and most hard-working students may struggle with completing this opus. And that’s not about you! So much pressure and labor can put anyone in a state of apathy and permanent stress. Besides, life is unpredictable, and some events might need more attention than your dissertation.

There is nothing bad or shameful in getting professional dissertation writing help when you really need it. Our writers will be glad to give a helping hand and assist with writing your dissertation paper. They may provide a whole sample or deliver some missing parts – whatever you’ll specify in the ordering details.

Well, we can’t work miracles, but we’ll be glad to help with writing assignments at any moment! Read a short instruction and click the Order Now button.

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88 Studies & Consultancy

Conquering the Dissertation Challenge with Unexplored Titles

The Dissertation: A Daunting Mountain for Graduate Students

For graduate students, the dissertation represents a significant hurdle on the path to academic achievement. Navigating the intricate stages of composing a substantial and well-researched thesis can be a daunting and time-consuming process. Selecting a topic that is both interesting and unexplored within the academic field adds another layer of complexity.

88 Studies And Consultation: Unlocking Dissertation Success

Recognizing the challenges faced by researchers, 88 Studies And Consultation offers a unique solution to empower graduate students on their dissertation journey.

Introducing the Unexplored Title Advantage

Instead of struggling to identify a novel topic, 88 Studies And Consultation leverages its expertise to provide students with four unique, unexplored dissertation titles tailored to their specific interests. These titles are not simply pulled out of thin air; the team meticulously consults the latest sources and studies to ensure they are fresh and on the cutting edge of their respective fields.

The Benefits of Partnering with 88 Studies And Consultation

By choosing 88 Studies And Consultation, graduate students reap a multitude of benefits:

  • Reduced Research Time: Save valuable time and effort by avoiding the often-arduous process of identifying a groundbreaking dissertation topic.
  • Enhanced Relevance: Feel confident your dissertation tackles a subject that is both unexplored and pertinent to your field of study.
  • Personalized Approach: Benefit from individualized attention, with titles specifically tailored to your research interests.
  • Efficiency and Speed: Receive a selection of unique dissertation titles within a remarkably short timeframe of just three days.

Embrace the Dissertation Journey with Confidence

  1. 88 Studies And Consultation empowers graduate students to embark on their dissertation journey with increased confidence and a clear roadmap. Don't let the challenge of finding an unexplored title impede your progress towards academic success. Leverage the expertise of 88 Studies And Consultation and claim your dissertation victory.

3 reasons to hire dissertation writers at 88 Studies

1. We hire only professionals with vast experience : All the candidates have to prove their knowledge of academic disciplines, writing styles, and English. We also give them a test order to check their soft skills, such as attention to detail, responsibility, and punctuality.

2. We have strict plagiarism and revision policies

Our service delivers only 100% plagiarism-free samples. If you want to make sure that your paper is unique, you may order an additional originality report. We don’t have a base of prewritten texts either. You may ask for as many revisions as necessary according to our Revision Policy. Of course, our customers may require only minor changes.

3. We have numerous positive reviews :Customers who have already got help with dissertation writing share their experiences in their reviews. You may read them on a dedicated page and feel more confident about our collaboration

How a good dissertation paper is structured

A dissertation is a complex academic paper, and it takes much time and energy to compose it. Our professional dissertation writers have enough experience to deal with this task! You can ask for their assistance at any time, and they’ll provide a well-written paper on any topic.

  • Title page

As a rule, the formatting of a title page is strict and described in the academic policy. This page’s goal is to let the reader know what he/she is about to see. It states your full name, your instructor’s name, the information about your program and degree, and submission date.

  • Acknowledgments

This part is optional. Here, you may mention all the people that helped or inspired you to complete your research: your professor, colleagues, family, etc. We certainly don’t recommend including any dissertation writing services that might have assisted you.

  • Abstract

An abstract is an essential part of your paper. That’s a short summary of your dissertation, and you’ll need to put all the necessary information about your research in no more than 300 words. The abstract includes your statement, goals, results, and conclusion. The main purpose of the abstract is to interest in further reading so it has to be well-written.

  • Table of contents

A table of contents presents the structure of your dissertation. It should include the title of every chapter and their page numbers. The table of contents is necessary to navigate through your paper, as a dissertation can be up to 300 pages in length! If you hesitated about whether you need help with dissertation, this number might have shown you how much work you’ll have to do.

  • Introduction

An introduction sets up the expectations for the whole dissertation. It should clearly state your topic, goals, methods, research questions, and the relevance of your work to a broader debate. Plus, it gives an idea of your dissertation’s structure. As well as an abstract, your introductions need to awaken interest in your readers’ minds.

  • Literature review

There is nothing new under the sun. Your research will be based on existing sources on your topic. A literature review is a part where you present and analyze those sources. Your goal is to show how your work complements, broadens, or questions previous research.

  • Methodology

This part answers all the “how?” questions. How have you gathered data for your research? How have you analyzed them? How are the chosen methods the best for this particular research? The methodology is a crucial part of your dissertation, as it validates the credibility of your work.

  • Results

If you’re not good at presentations, then leave this part to Ph.D. dissertation writing services. Results summarize all your findings and efforts. You need to provide a clear perspective on what you’ve achieved. We highly recommend using some visual elements: graphs, tables, schemes, etc.

  • Discussion

In this part, you discuss the results of your work. Were they expected or not? How will they affect further research on this topic? Do they correlate with existing sources? How can they be interpreted from different perspectives? Have they answered all the research questions, and if not – why?

  • Conclusion

In conclusion, you finalize all your work and answer the most important question: what value your dissertation adds to existing research on the topic, and how it will help in the future. You can’t add anything new in your conclusion as it only summarizes all the information provided beforehand.

  • Reference list

A reference list includes all the sources that you’ve cited in your dissertation. It can be difficult to compose because of the strict requirements so you may need help with dissertation reference list. There are four most common citation styles: MLA, APA, Chicago, and Harvard.

Your dissertation paper may also include a list of abbreviations and a list of figures and tables. If you’re not 100% confident about your writing skills, ask our experts for assistance, and the result will be excellent!

How to choose high-quality dissertation writing services

Composing a dissertation requires serious research and excellent writing skills. A grade for your dissertation has a great effect on your general year grade. That’s why finding good custom dissertation writing services is crucial when you apply for academic assistance.

You can find numerous websites that will offer you help with your dissertation, but you shouldn’t pick one relying on your luck. Conducting small research is much more efficient in this case. Let us share a short guide on how to find reliable dissertation writing services:

  1. Customer reviews

Any trustworthy website has a section or a whole page dedicated to customer reviews. Students who have already used this service share their feedback about the experience and evaluate the quality of a provided sample. Sometimes, you may find evaluations of specific Ph.D. dissertation writing services on dedicated review websites.

  1. Reasonable prices

Qualified writers don’t provide their assistance for pennies. That’s why using cheap dissertation writing services isn’t rational. You may end up with nothing but a poorly written paper that will need many corrections. Try to look for a website where you may order a page for no less than 250 aed for a page.

  1. 24/7 custom support

Professional services care about their customers. Round-the-clock support is an essential part of high-quality academic assistance. Besides, if support managers are available 24/7, it means that the service works with students around the world and is acknowledged in many countries. In case you have any questions, 88 Studies employees are ready to answer all of them at any time.

  1. Blog samples

Another way to evaluate the quality of custom dissertation writing services is to take a look at the blog. Usually, you may find various papers’ examples, guides, and lists of topics there. Examine those texts, and you’ll get a general impression of the level of this service. Plus, you may get some inspiration and interesting ideas from the blog.

  1. Attractive design

Professional services care a lot about the first impression that they make. That’s why reliable websites always have an intuitive and user-friendly design. You won’t have any trouble finding an ordering form, policies, customer reviews, and other important parts. If everything works as it should, there is a higher chance of getting a well-written dissertation sample.

  1. Qualified writers

The last essential factor that you should check is the writers’ qualifications. Are they native English speakers? Do they have academic degrees? What are the stages of the hiring process? You should be able to find this information on the website. As a rule, it’s located on the FAQ page or a page dedicated to writers.

Why asking for professional dissertation writing help is normal

Fooling around when your dissertation deadline is coming isn’t the best idea. The results of the whole year of studying and research depend on this particular paper. If you don’t feel confident about how it will turn out – don’t take any risks!

In case you have any doubts, it’s a good sign to look for reliable custom dissertation writing services. There are many of them on the internet, and you should choose carefully. Don’t fall for cheap dissertation writing services! They deliver poorly written samples that are often plagiarized. You’ll have to spend a lot of time fixing it so you’d better look for a trustworthy website.

Here are some more reasons to ask for professional dissertation writing help:

  1. Feel confident about formatting and style

Proper formatting is as important for a dissertation as content. Academic writing can be tricky, and great ideas and thorough research aren’t always enough to get a high grade. Our writers have vast experience with academic papers so it won’t be a problem for them to compose a well-structured dissertation.

  1. Save time and energy

Writing a dissertation is time-consuming. You’ll spend many hours in the library or at the computer looking for sources, analyzing them, and researching your topic. Instead, you may save much time, and all you have to do is to place an order for your dissertation sample.

  1. Don’t worry about your grade

A grade for your dissertation is a big deal. That’s not an essay or book review: stakes are much higher. Don’t put all this pressure on yourself and share the responsibility with our experts.

As you can see, there are more advantages to applying for dissertation writing services than you might have thought. 88 Studies employees are available 24/7. We may provide various samples of academic papers on any topic. You don’t have to worry about the quality, as we have a plagiarism-free policy and revision policy.


What our clients say about us

The service was excellent and helped me submit my university research with high quality and on time. I highly recommend working with them.

Ahmed Al-Qahtani

Collaborating with this team was fantastic. I got the help I needed to complete my school assignments perfectly. Thank you so much!

Sara Al-Hashemi

A professional team with continuous support. They helped me prepare my graduation project efficiently. A remarkable experience and highly recommended

Mohammed Al-Otaibi

I didn't expect the service to be this fast and high-quality. The research was excellent and delivered before the deadline. Thank you!

Layla Al-Falasi

Dealing with them was easy and smooth, and the services they provided exceeded my expectations. I will definitely return to them in the future.

Khalid Al-Mansoori

The service was excellent and helped me submit my university research with high quality and on time. I highly recommend working with them.

Ahmed Al-Qahtani

The service was excellent and helped me submit my university research with high quality and on time. I highly recommend working with them.

Ahmed Al-Qahtani

Professional team and continuous support. They helped me prepare my graduation project very efficiently. A unique experience and I recommend it

Mohammed Al Otaibi

"Dealing with them was easy and smooth, and the services they provided to me were beyond expectations. I will definitely return to them in the future."

Khaled Al Mansoori

Keywords & Clarity: Mastering the Art of the Thesis Title

Discover tips with 88 Studies & Consultancy for using relevant keywords and ensuring your title is easy to understand.

From Brainstorm to Brilliance: Generate Winning Thesis Titles

Explore creative brainstorming techniques to develop the perfect title for your research.

Beyond the Basics: Crafting a Thesis Title that Stands Out

Go beyond the ordinary and learn strategies for crafting a unique and impactful title.

  • Titles of recent master's theses

  • Original doctoral dissertation titles

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